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Search Cobb

日本語版の README

Search Cobb is an extension for Chrome to perform in-page searches and has the following features:


Comparison with extensions that don't allow searches across multiple elements

In the example of the image below, "バームクーヘン" (Baumkuchen) is in em element. Extensions that claim to be able to perform in-page searches with regular expressions can be classified into those that can search all elements together without distinguishing between inside and outside elements, and those that cannot.

Search Cobb belongs to the extensions on the side that can do that.

migemo search

migemo is a way to search Japanese by its romanized representation. Using this method, you can search for Japanese words without going through the input method. jsmigemo is used as a migemo library.

Search the alphabet with diacritical marks by base character

You can search for both combining character sequence and precomposed characters without distinction.

You can unify rare combining characters other than accented characters as well.

Search for kanji characters

In kanji used in the Japanese-speaking countries, the kanji characters included in the Joyo Kanji Hyo (kanji table for regular use) and the Jinmeiyo Kanji Hyo (kanji table for personal names) are considered to be identical to their old forms.

How to install

From Chrome Web Store

You can install from Chrome Web Store.

From Github repository

Clone the Search Cobb repository and load the src directory in developer mode at chrome://extensions. There is no difference in functionality from the extension available on the Chrome Web Store, while the repository may reflect progress in the source code more quickly.

Declare the shortcut keys

To enable Search Cobb to be operated using only the keyboard, you must first explicitly declare the shortcuts to be used.

Set a shortcut to Search Cobb in the shortcut key settings pane at chrome://extensions. At least, a shortcut to open the search panel and Ctrl+N (shortcut to advance the history) are required.

Now, Ctrl+N, Ctrl+T, and Ctrl+Shift+N are a bit special. These key strokes are basically reserved by Chrome and cannot be received by the web page. However, the extension can be received as shown in the image above. Rather than using this reserved key stroke received directly, Search Cobb intersperses a redistribution mechanism that dispatches it to the active web page via emulated keyboard events. This effectively liberates the reserved key strokes to the web page. This means that the web page and other extensions will receive this reserved key strokes as if these were normal strokes.

This “redistribution mechanism” is an independent feature from Search Cobb, and is enabled even when the search panel is not displayed. Maybe something to note: The isTrusted property of the event object generated by each key stroke is false because it is not an event generated by Chrome itself. Redistribution may not work well on web pages or extensions that behave isTrusted when processing key strokes.

How to use

Activate the search panel

Press the declared shortcut or click the icon to open the search panel. Then, the process of creating indices for searching is executed and the progress is displayed as a bar at the top of the panel. Please wait until the progress bar reaches the right edge of the panel and turns green.

Switching search mode

Normally, the text you enter is treated as a javascript's regular expression, but you can control the search mode by including the following special meta string in the text. \L and \M are exclusive, and if more than one exists, the one closest to the end of the text takes precedence.

These meta strings can be entered directly or toggled by pressing Alt+L, Alt+M, or Alt+C.

Key bindings

You can use the following key bindings when you enter search string.

Key Function
Ctrl+A Move the caret to the beginning of the text
Ctrl+E Move the caret to the end of the text
Ctrl+B Move the caret back one grapheme cluster
Ctrl+C Copy the contents of the currently active highlighted search result to the clipboard
Ctrl+F Advance the caret by one grapheme cluster
Ctrl+O Click on the highlighted search result if the currently active one is a hyperlink
Ctrl+P Move back one item in the history
Ctrl+N Advance one item in the history. To enable this key binding, you must declare a shortcut for Search Cobb in chrome://extensions
Ctrl+H Delete one grapheme cluster before the caret
Ctrl+W Delete one word before the caret
Ctrl+U Delete text from the beginning of the text to before the caret
Ctrl+K Delete from the caret to the end of the text
Ctrl+/ Select all text
Ctrl+M Equivalent to Enter
Ctrl+[ Equivalent to Escape
Alt+B Move the caret back one word
Alt+F Advance the caret by one word
Alt+L Enter \L: switch the search mode to literal
Alt+M Enter \M: switch the search mode to migemo
Alt+C Enter \C: disable character unifying
Enter Commit the search string or to advance the active search result
Shift+Enter Commit the search string or to back the active search result
Escape Close the search panel



Among the source files that make up Search Cobb, src/dict/migemo-compact-dict is released under GPL v2 because it is generated from SKK-JISYO.L.

All other files are released under Apache License, Version 2.0.